Computer Important words related to computer in brief

Important words related to computer in brief


1. ARPA: Advanced Research Project Agency

2. ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange

3. ABI: Application Binary Interface

4. AD: Active Directory

5. ALGOL: Algorithmic Language

6. ALU: Arithmetic and Logical Unit

7. ASP: Application Service Provider

8. BCD: Binary Coded Decimal Code

9. BIOS: Basic Input-Output System

10. BCD: Binary Coded Decimal

11. BGP: Border Gateway Protocol

12. BINAC: Binary Automatic Computer

13. BIOS: Basic Input Output System

14. bit: binary digit

15. bps: bits per second

16. CAD: Computer Aided Design

17. CDAC: Centre for Development of Advanced Computing

18. C-DOT: Centre for Development of Telematics

19. CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access

20. CD: Compact Disc

21. CD-ROM: Change Director Route-Read Only Memory

22. COBOL: Common Business Oriented Language

23. CAE: Computer-Aided Engineering

24. CAT: Computer-Aided Translation

25. CD-R: CD-Recordable

26. CLI: Command Line Interface

27. CRT: Cathode Ray Tube

28. CT: Computerized Tomography

29. CTL: Computational Tree Logic

30. CUA: Common User Access

31. E-Mail: Electronic Mail

32. EDO: Extended Data Out

33. EUC: Extended Unix Code

34. Fortran: Formula Translation

35. FS: File System

36. FTP: File Transfer Protocol

37. GAIS: Gateway Internet Access Service

38. Gb: Gigabit

39. GB: Gigabyte

40. HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

41. HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language

42. IP: Internet Protocol

43. I/O: Input/Output

44. IT: Information Technology

45. IBM: International Business Machines

46. JDS: Java Desktop System

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